Friday 30 April 2010

shy away

look, see this magnified sadness, reaching from your gut
like talons clawing it's way out, but at once
it's tugging you inward, i can see it
get out, get out of your head now
i am clairvoyant now, i see where you're headed
it's petrifying me, i'm not sure i can help anymore
you're all covered in black and smothered with make up
so i can barely see your face

i was pacing so carefully
not to get too close
oh, don't be ashamed
of bumpy skin and uneven craters
you weren't made this way
you're deviating, you're becoming man made
you walk robotic and talk melancholic
and you scare me each time we fix a gaze
i see so much of myself in you
so much misery and fear
please stop talking for once and just hear me
get out, get out of your head now

i shouldn't etch these words
so self indulgent, replacing i, with you
they will do nothing for you
you will never discover this pitiful 'ode to'
and if by a faded chance you do
you will have no idea, not a single clue
that this whole verse, i took the time, and wrote it for you

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