Monday 12 January 2015

i hate everyone
in one way or another
i hate them all
they're all the same
shifting their funds
shifting the blame
thin, fat, short, tall
i hate them all
i fucking hate them all
but not you
i've never hated you

Sunday 4 January 2015

i'd lay down to rest in the crook of your arm
feel your body fight the urge to nervously shift
i'd feel you try to keep steady, to keep calm
and let the thrum of your heart drown out the world
i'd hold your fingers so tight and let your skin burn through mine
i'd speed up as you slow down until our breath ringed in time
i wouldn't want to go, but if i lost the fight
i couldn't think of a better place to be
when my world went black and my eyes closed soft
than with you, with your body locked around me
holding me so usual, as if i'm just drifting off to sleep

Saturday 3 January 2015

fuck you in your little green tower
surrounded by these cretins
basking in your petty power
twenty five years you've spent in this place
twenty five years you've lived at this pace
ever so fast and ever so slow
it's all you ever had, all you've ever known
you'll probably die here, still taking orders
still smiling fake and laughing empty
how many nights have you spent here
how much time have you wasted
by how many people are you hated
fuck you and the hours that you rob
there is more to life than your miserable fucking job