Saturday 16 November 2013

there is no way i could ever spill everything i hold in you on to a page, i could never curve words around the shape of your jaw, or your light breath edging closer to a snore, when you are pressed so close to me, even in sleep still clutching so tight. i could never speak of you right, not in a light anything other than dim glow, i could never speak the words without them appearing slow, calculated. but see there is nothing calculated about this, there is nothing malicious about us, nothing scripted or offered as false. i have given you every single crevice of me, all of the jagged parts of my mind, the depths of my unconscious, the lengths of my shallow fears. i would give you anything that you needed, anything i could offer, i would in an instant. Sometimes i can't believe i am part of something so perfect, so pure, so untainted and so sure. i have never been sure of anything before. always second guessing, always looking for an alternative when failure strikes. but there is no alternative to you, this is my whole life. it's laid bare for me to see, it just you and me. i'm going to keep you close forever, i'm never going to let you stray behind. I'll always be running to catch you up if you fall into a quick stride. there is nothing else in this world that i am perfectly and entirely sure of. but i am sure of you, i'd put everything of myself, everything that i have in you. i love every single crevice of you, i love every fleeting moment with you.