Sunday 30 May 2010

please stop it, rocking me sideways
you're making me seasick

Saturday 29 May 2010

the girl:

ecstatically happy, and utterly destroyed
0.08 of a second
, all in the name of procrastination
how have the barriers inside my mind stretched into physical manifestations
they are etched in front of me, dodging my moves each time i change course

if god is here, he's slapping me in the face even as i type, 'stay away!' he says

ignorance =

i'm all a little too content right now
it's bizzare, unnerving in fact
i'm sure there are consequences in store
but i don't care, i'm content right now

karma, please don't mess with me
not right now

Friday 28 May 2010

it's kind of building up, a little too much to bear
in hindsight i am far too young, i can't be cornered
inner sickness has acquired these physical attributes

can't sleep, don't eat, sick sick sick, can't sleep, cough, roll,
no, punch, cry, shake ache ache ache, wake up, dazed, pale,
i can't really say i enjoy this pain, it's misery

Thursday 27 May 2010

Wednesday 26 May 2010

words fail me tonight
i think they escaped
fell through my pores
and evaporated upward
i am far too tired

oh edie, you are a dream ♥


i can't stop questioning this
but, my heart is much lighter now
my stomach no longer harbours moths
so i'll fall on feathers and simply let time pass
enjoying your company, letting you laugh
weak, praying time doesn't escape me too fast
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
oh dear
please sleep.

Monday 24 May 2010

oh this is sweet, i just wonder what it means


okay i'll melt and trickle under the earth
i'm done, but i can't stop, there is no way out
i'm stuck now, i thought this was going to be incredible
well, i was wrong
this means nothing, not a thing
just burn me
yes, alright, i like you
today has been totally energizing
the sun brings my character into full whack
i feel like i can conquer the day and night
speak up, don't whisper

you should have never said a word.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Friday 21 May 2010

i am tired, sleep eludes me with these tricky maneuvers
so now i can't interpret anything without this weary judgment
i can't read those words and decipher any truth or meaning
you really do confuse me, what a strange and wonderful enigma
at least i am writing again, even if all i can do is write, type
scrawled across my windows and in the cracks underneath my door
etched inside my aching mind, and flickering around damp eyes
optimism overrides the overwhelming doubt, am i wrong?
don't play silly fearful games, i've grown too tall for those
just leap: you might learn to fly.


I would so like to forget every single buzzing thought, each responsibility that i have, to brush off chores and real life like speckles of dried paint on a vinyl sheet, to simply write and write, for no reason other than it appeases me, for nobodies eyes but my own, irrelevant and withdrawn from scrutiny. You asked me to do this, so let me do it, for it is starting to look like a chore, the glimmer has somehow faded from the horizon. Lower your arm, i'm still young right?
Just let me breathe.
but it doesn't even look like a word
not inspected from this angle

this is most definitely paradise


well this is different...
i can actually feel myself failing
i can pinpoint which organs are flagging
my, the burning in my stomach is unsettling
the pins wedged between these ears are unflattering

'how much for a brand new body, sir?
the latest model, new? improved?'
'is it shock proof, waterproof, bulletproof?'
'only waterproof' he says, head tilted
what was i expecting?
trade it in, she says all too hastily
take this broken, crumbling frame
'you want it recycled?' he says, eye slanted
don't bother, scrap it: she says, glistening all over
'it's useless'

Thursday 20 May 2010

Because the tide is high
And it's rising still
And I don't wanna see it at my windowsill

you might not know

i'll stay barefoot with the grass until the temperature drops
whilst these delicate smoke trains flutter past
with this song playing again, it won't grow old
it still paints your features like a polaroid
flashing in intervals between my sun stained eyelids

it only ever seems to magnify, the unquestionable idea
that i'd be content with nothing more than your company
encouraging quiet laughter and a wholesome smile
elated only to know that you are still happy in my company
a cold heart will burst, the warmth makes mine swell
and in this moment, when it's not buy, buy, sell
i think i would, i'd give it all up without a second thought
there's no question, i would, i could not contain myself
i'd leave it all behind, and drive away with you tonight
until the sun is etched inside a liars night sky

my heart never behaved this way before


i want to turn my brain off:flick switch
you are undeniably and unequivocally unambiguous
hiding under a thin sheet of nonchalance
proving that the underbelly of a scene so rigorous
is simply, nothing more than a barrier, it's bollocks
it's unmistakable now, irrefutable infact;
you are trapped, under the influence

Wednesday 19 May 2010

c'mon, see straight through these pretenses
cold, cool, collected, sober
i am colliding, inward
i wish i were sharp, transparent like a pane of crystal
maybe, you could look straight into itself and find truth
but you have her, you have your mirror
reflecting yourself outward, over
as she is shown wholly inwards, with pure nonoccurence
is there no disguise, no pretenses now
this facade is unraveling and i'm blurring
i'm so very incoxificated
so very quixotic and faceded
meanings created and recreated
disguised and unveiled daily, hourly.

just leave, please leave me be, but don't.
god, how i wish

Tuesday 18 May 2010

this very secret

that you're trying to conceal
is the very same one
you're dying to reveal
go tell her how you feel

let her in on your secret heart

Sunday 16 May 2010

idle lines

i do not welcome sleep any more
the thought of it is daunting
how i wish i could stay conscious
and only listen to sweet music
simply, endlessly, just drift into the oncoming day
into the next spray of sunlight, discarding the night
my frivolity is sequentially disappearing
falling away from a previous body, a former self
what a wasteful way to spend our youth
crumpled face down, drenched in shadows
plagued by impossible, incomprehensible dreamless nights

Saturday 15 May 2010

who made you?

you are such a state
such a fucking mess
it was a problem, it was
but all of the sympathy faded
now people, they just laugh
and turn their heads

go wash your face
close your legs
close your eyes, drown out the noise
put down the tube
and get that shit out of your nose
sit down, sit still
and begin to shut your mouth

Saturday 8 May 2010

Wednesday 5 May 2010

i know i'm a little white girl, i don't care
i fucking love 2Pac

and Ke$ha.

Saturday 1 May 2010

good god

It is you're, not your.
There are no excuses anymore.
You have spell check!!!